We are pleased to announce that our President, Brett Pennefeather, was recently interviewed for a podcast with Fuzehub.
If you’re not familiar with Fuzehub, they provide New York State manufacturers and technology companies with guided access to their extensive network of industry experts, programs and assets to solve productivity, commercialization, research and development issues, and other challenges to growth.
Eck was featured to inform Fuzehub’s followers about how we offer multiple forms of plastic material fabrication. We also had the opportunity to explain how we have grown 36% in three years and increased our workforce by 50%. We’ve even continued to grow during the COVID-19 pandemic. It was a pleasure to share with the fans of Fuzehub more about our injection molding and thermoforming capabilities and all of our quality processes to create custom plastic parts.
We know working with quality people to produce quality custom plastic parts is the biggest part of our success, but listen to the podcast here to learn how we are setting an Eck-ample for the New York manufacturing community.
Here is the link to the podcast! https://fuzehub.com/nysmn/