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ECK PLASTIC ARTS: The Motivation to Stay Motivated

Well, it’s that time of year again! December is right around the corner, and that means the start of 2023 is knocking at the door.

Here at Eck Plastic Arts we are using this time for some Self-reflection.

Honesty time… What is something great you are going to do with the time you have left of 2022? After self-reflection on our end, we decided to apply some strategies to help us gain new motivation to reach the finish line of 2022. 

We want to share these Motivation Strategies with you!

A non-negotiable: Self-Discipline

This is a huge one. Really try to wrap your head and heart around this and be ready to dig deep down into your soul! This is what is going to drive you when everything around you seems to not be going as planned. This is your self-motivation AND self-discipline. It’s a fact of life that we all struggle with feeling motivated at times. We struggle with the feeling of motivation because feelings are fleeting. The good feelings tend to not stick around when you’re tired, frustrated, disappointed, and distracted. That is where self-discipline comes into play. 

According to a study done in 2005, students who fall short of their intellectual potential all lack something in common – the failure to exercise self-discipline. John Gretton “Jocko” Willink, an American author, podcaster, and retired United States Navy officer who served in the Navy SEALs and a former member of SEAL Team 3 – He once said, “Don’t expect to be motivated every day to get out there and make things happen. You won’t be. Don’t count on motivation. Count on Discipline.” He is an amazing source for anyone who needs some extra inspiration in the self-discipline department. 

So what does self-discipline look like? It looks like no longer accepting your own shortcomings as the final answer. If something is in your power, and you want to change or improve it – make it happen. It’s the old saying, “where there’s will, there’s a way”.  CHOOSE to fight through every single excuse that is going to come to your mind – and choose the next applicable action towards that goal. 

CHOOSE the next step to work harder and achieve what it is on your horizon. Self-discipline is saying “no more” to whatever thought to tap out floats into your mind. You have to be relentless! 

Expose Yourself to NEW

In today’s world, knowledge is at our fingertips. Read a new book on what you’re interested in. Familiarize yourself with new ideas, theorizes ways to do things. Surround yourself with people who are more skillful and knowledgeable than you so that you can learn by seeing and doing. Enter the vast world of YouTube videos – the selection is extensive, helpful and free! Throw yourself into a situation that brings you out of your comfort zone, you will always grow in this place. With the world of endless books, podcasts, and experts at our disposal – the time to learn and succeed is NOW!

Did you know that 50% of U.S viewers use YouTube to learn new things? From woodwork, to vehicle work, to walking handstands and swimming underwater – YouTube has various content creators for most any “how-to” you can think of! With this knowledge at our fingertips – is there really any excuse to atleast get started with learning something new or getting better at something? Not really!

Reaching goals, pushing limits, and learning new things is possible.  If you have a new goal or skill you’d like to attain – go for it!


Include OTHERS in Your Goals

Accountability partners are fantastic for helping you know that there is someone waiting to hear how things are going for you on your road to self-improvement.  If you tell your spouse, friend, or coach that you are going to be somewhere, how much more likely is it to happen than if you just kept it to yourself? Very high! Want to be more dedicated to the gym? Find a friend who has the same goal and work together to hold each other accountable to show up and get the work done. Looking to learn a new skill like woodworking? Set up an afternoon with your buddy who knows a lot about it and offer to buy him lunch if he will show you a few things. 

Disclaimer: While it is awesome to have others encourage you and hold you accountable to your word – keep in mind how important and valuable it is for YOU to keep your word to YOURSELF. It takes sacrifice of comfort to achieve a lofty goal. If you told yourself you are going to wake up at 5am to read and journal – do it. Just watch your self-RESPECT increase as well. 

An accountability partner who is trustworthy, gives positive reinforcement, is kind (yet honest) and non-judgmental is priceless. They help you stay motivated, plan & strategize, and give advice for improvement. We could all use a gentle and encouraging reminder of why we began this journey in the first place. 


Whatever your goal, ambition, or vision may be – We hope these tips help you gain the motivation to start, inspire you to have the self-discipline to continue, and bring you the self-fulfillment for achieving something that once seemed so far away. We often need encouragement to stay on the thin line to our goals. Here’s a reminder to be that encouragement to someone else! It’s great to achieve a goal, and even better to help others arrive at their vision as well! 

Cheers to 2023 approaching us quickly. Cheers to 2022 and all the love, growth, and trials it brought. Cheers to new beginnings and newfound strength! 

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