607-722-3227 [email protected]
What’s Behind The Arts?

What’s Behind The Arts?

The “Arts” in ECK Plastic Arts is more than just a word.  It is our commitment, our promise, and our reason for doing what we do. As Louis Nizer once said, “A man who works with his hands is a laborer; a man who works with his hands and his brain isa craftsman; but a...
Made In Broome Story

Made In Broome Story

We are proud to have been chosen as a Made in Broome story, where they highlight local businesses and their work! As a Binghamton, NY business we are very appreciative to Broome County in their support throughout the years. The quality people that form our team are...
Press Release From Absolute Haitian For Our New Press

Press Release From Absolute Haitian For Our New Press

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ECK PLASTIC ARTS EXPANDS CAPABILITY WITH ADDITION OF 1,012-TON MARS II S MOLDING MACHINE BINGHAMTON, NY, (July 7, 2020) – Since injection molding is its fastest growing market segment, Eck Plastic Arts has enhanced its injection molding capacity...
Saving Clients Money by Delivering More Value

Saving Clients Money by Delivering More Value

We are pleased to announce that our President, Brett Pennefeather, was recently interviewed for a podcast with Fuzehub. If you’re not familiar with Fuzehub, they provide New York State manufacturers and technology companies with guided access to their extensive...